faulkner edc’s Dispute Resolution services provides our clients with an unbiased 3rd party in which to review the facts surrounding a dispute in the design, construction, maintenance or safety of a project or building property. We have thorough knowledge of building codes, best practices, standard of care for Architect-Engineer-Contractor roles on a project. In addition our leaderships 25+ years in the industry delivering projects has given us the experience needed to resolve conflicts on behalf of our clients. Our clients include owners, contractors, design professionals and contractors. We are confident that contacting us to serve you through your dispute be it as a mediator or as a 3rd party reviewer will bring you one step closer to successful resolution
faulkner edc has the experience of successfully serving many clients through their construction disputes. We were requested by a company outside of the US to serve as a 3rd party to help resolve a dispute they were having with their contractor. They had contracted the GC to build a wood pellet plant for them in South Carolina. Just a few weeks prior to completion the contractor delivered an unexpected change order to the owner in the amount of $4million. faulkner edc was tasked by the owner to review all of the project documentation against this new change order to determine what additional compensation the owner should be liable for. The report we presented back included many pages of backup to support our conclusion that approximately $400,000 of the charges in the change order are representative of true additional work. The owner and contractor went to mediation and the result was agreed at $450,000 for the change order to close out the project.
We, as well as the other side, almost exclusively used your report as our reference document in the mediation. The thorough explanation given in your report and cited back to contract language and best practice was the concise information needed to resolve this dispute.
~Miguel, Confidential